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ETCO INDIA's Topic Proposal Development for Dissertation, Thesis Research Projects - In Service to Learners Since 1983 This is a mobile friendly page: please click here to visit the original page I am happy to know that our articles on research ideas and topics have helped you in invoking your critical thinking and selecting your most preferred research topics. Please feel free to contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get help in selecting your research topics or discuss the research topic(s) you have chosen. Further, we also offer you to develop the "background and context", "problem description and statement", "aim, objectives, research questions", "design of methodology and methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant references per topic" for three topics of your choice of research areas at a nominal fee of US $85 (US Dollars Eighty Five Only). The synopsis for three topics shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. Before starting the document, we will first propose multiple alternate topics such that we shall agree upon the best three topics based on your choices or your preliminary discussions with your reviewer. Following are the benefits that you will avail through this service: (1) For each topic, you will get a clearly drafted problem description and the Problem Statement for your research citing 15 to 25 most relevant and current references: A clear and present problem description helps in defending the justification for conducting your research. Justification of a research is based on the current research studies published by other researchers (typically, not older than five years), problems highlighted by the current research studies, problems highlighted in related industry reports (such as in reports published by Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PWC, Gartner, etc.), and interests expressed by your reviewer. Problem description and problem statement needs to be linked directly with the research topic, the research aim, research objectives, and the research questions. (2) For each topic, you will get a clear statement of Aim of the research: The aim of the research may be exploratory, confirmatory, or explanatory. It is closely related with your research problem and the way you want to address the problem through your research. It is crucial to define an aim that can be defendable for ensuring acceptance of the research proposal. (3) For each topic, you will get three to five statements of Research Objectives: The objectives of a research should be SMART, that is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. These attributes are reviewed carefully by the reviewers looking into the limitations of the researcher, limitations of his/her resources, and limitations of the design of research methodology and methods. A student may like to achieve something astronomous, but the reviewers are smart enough to restrict the proposed research to SMART objectives. Based on our vast experience, we are capable of defining objectives meeting the SMART criteria, which shall be easy to justify and defendable in your larger research proposal document. (4) For each topic, you will get two to four Research Questions: Are you asking the right questions in your research? The research questions need to be answered within all the limitations of the proposed research ensuring validity and reliability of the outcomes. They should be defined carefully to ensure that they are aligned closely with the objectives, and they do not dilute the SMARTness of the objectives. Based on our vast experience, we are capable of defining research questions those can be answered realistically within the limitations of the research, and can ensure achievement of SMART objectives. Further, the research questions defined by us will guide you in your literature review such that you can later derive your relevant hypotheses and structural construct. For example, you may define the sections of your literature review based on the research questions. (5) For each topic, you will get the steps of the Design of Research Methodology and Methods: Our design of research methodology and methods for your research topic(s) shall ensure that your research can achieve its SMART objectives, and can answer the research questions with acceptable levels of reliability and validity. We will provide a concept map of research design for each topic, presenting the steps of the design of research methodology and methods clearly. We shall provide appropriate citations to justify our steps. (6) Topic synopsis shall be developed by applying genuinely original human research and analytical efforts and written in the original language by the mentor. AI of any form WILL NOT be used in developing the topic synopsis. Please provide us the following information at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in for enabling us to deliver the best service and make you successful: (a) Your Name, Nickname, Alias, or E-mail ID (whatever you are comfortable with for communicating with us); (b) Your choice of topics from our website OR request for any different topics based on our published topics OR any topic that you have in your mind; please provide inputs on all possible things to keep in mind for ensuring that one of the three topics shall surely be accepted; (c) Your template in which, you want the three topic synopses to be written (if you have been provided one; otherwise we will use a standard template as presented below) (d) If you have any specific requirements, like creating initial draft conceptual maps or frameworks for the research topics or for the proposed methodology, please let us know (e) Your deadline - kindly give us a minimum of 72 hours to complete the document; Based on the details, we will document and deliver all the components described above to your E-Mail ID. Proposed template for the synopsis of the three topics (if you have not been provided a standard template): PROPOSED TOPIC 1 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF TOPIC 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT OF TOPIC 1 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF TOPIC 1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS OF TOPIC 1 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR RESEARCHING TOPIC 1 REFERENCES FOR TOPIC 1 PROPOSED TOPIC 2 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF TOPIC 2 PROBLEM STATEMENT OF TOPIC 2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF TOPIC 2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS OF TOPIC 2 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR RESEARCHING TOPIC 2 REFERENCES FOR TOPIC 2 PROPOSED TOPIC 3 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT OF TOPIC 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT OF TOPIC 3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF TOPIC 3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS OF TOPIC 3 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR RESEARCHING TOPIC 3 REFERENCES FOR TOPIC 3 The above service is priced at a nominal fee of US $85 (US Dollars Eighty Five Only). The synopsis for three topics as explained above shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. To avail this service, kindly write to consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in for the details of the payment methods and other discussion. If you wish to get any clarifications, please feel free to contact us at any of these two E-Mail addresses: consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in You may also avail our topic synopsis development service for "one topic only". The fee shall be $33 (US Dollars Thirty Three Only). Copyright 2020 - 2026 ETCO INDIA. All Rights Reserved |
Please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to discuss your topic or to get ideas about new topics pertaining to your subject area. |