Thesis and Dissertation topics related to Supply Chain Management, Procurement Management, Inventory Management, and Distribution Management - continued from previous page: By: Professor Nand Kishore Prasad, Principal Consulting Officer This is a mobile friendly page: please click here for visiting the full article page Article continued from the previous page: (I) Global Supply Chains: In the modern world, suppliers in a country are facing direct competition from international suppliers as if the latter are operating within the country. This has happened due to modernization of information management and dissemination, supply routes, payment channels, electronic contracts, leading to improved reliability and reduced lead times of international suppliers. The students may like to undertake study on monitoring and management of global supply chains/networking by professionals working in MNCs. A sample of possible research topics in this area is presented below. In addition to the following sample topics, please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get more topic suggestions and to discuss your topic. (a) Influence of logistics performance on global business performance (b) Global supply chain planning and operation in the modern era of disturbances and turbulences (c) PESTEL analysis for designing an effective and efficient global supply chain (d) SMART goals of global logistics and supplier management (SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) (e) Approaches for supplier selection in global sustainable procurement strategy (f) Knowledge management for services innovation in global logistics management through tacit knowledge capturing from supply chain echelons (g) Multi-layered visibility into supply networking for global commissioning projects with the help of update snapshots from PM databases (h) Ecological uncertainty challenges in highly congested oceanic lanes in global supply chains and their effects on operational performance and integration (special studies may be conducted on the ecological challenges related to Malacca and Singapore straits) (i) Collaborative global business intelligence using cloud-based data warehousing for measuring multi-echelon logistics performance (j) Remanufacturing through global reverse supply chain of recyclable scraps (specific focus on scrap exports by massive dismantling services; like ship dismantling for extracting massive inventories of recyclable iron and steel) (k) System dynamics modeling and control systems comprising global supplier networking supplying through trade exchanges (l) Global supplier evaluation and strategic supplier engagements using multi-criteria decision-making on triple bottomline sustainability (m) Standards for monitoring and governance of suppliers based on measurement of trust and reliability factors (n) Multisite aggregation planning of production facilities for ensuring supplies during uncertainty and turbulence in global supply chains (you may like to study aggregation planning of multiple production facilities for essential medicines and healthcare products supply) (o) Forecasting techniques and judgmental adjustments based on scenario analysis in global supply chains (p) Study of global supply chains of international restaurant chains (example, you may study how McDonald and KFC are able to maintain standard menus and tastes across the world) We will be happy to assist you in developing your narrow research topic with an original contribution based on the research context, research problem, and the research aim, and objectives. Further, We also offer you to develop the "problem description and statement", "aim, objectives, research questions", "design of methodology and methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant citations per topic" for three topics of your choice of research areas at a nominal fee. Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. To avail this service, Please Click Here for more details. (J) E-Supply Chains: E-Supply Chains are linked with E-Businesses that use Internet as their medium for accepting orders and payments, and then using the physical channels to deliver the products. E-supply chain is an excellent example of pull strategy and short term demand forecasting. Information flow across the supply chain is instantaneous because both end points and the intermediate agents work through a single Internet enabled portal. E-Bay and Amazon are viewed as the two most successful companies using this concept at global scales with built-in electronic contract signing and management, electronic payment processing, and electronic delivery processing. The students can find various case studies on E-Supply chains, although the empirical theories are still evolving. The research studies would be quite challenging, modern and unique as the field is still evolving. A sample of possible research topics in this area is presented below. In addition to the following sample topics, please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get more topic suggestions and to discuss your topic. (a) A study of the structural design of an E-supply chain for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) (b) A study of multi-agent e-supply chain integration using an approach of market-oriented strategic business partnerships (c) Integrating manufacturing SMEs through e-supply chains using multi-agency cloud-based information systems with workflows for collaboration (d) Integrating multi-agency RFID/QR/IIoT databases through cloud-based E-supply chain (e) Designing a multi-layer collaborative e-supply chain for business-to-business engagements (f) Electronic contracts management in framework agreements through e-supply chain management (g) Fostering collaboration tools of e-supply chains for inter-organisational learning, knowledge sharing, and adaptation to business standards (h) Impact of ubiquitous computing through mobile cloud computing on e-supply chain process efficiency and effectiveness (i) Global supply chain integration with mesh structures using latest HTML 5 (Web 2.0) technologies (j) Designing an e-supply chain on service oriented architectures using cloud computing for multi-organisational logistics applications integration (k) Introducing dynamic negotiations and decision-making in e-supply chains using agent-based coordination and scheduling for dealing with uncertainties (l) Collaborative transportation networking through e-supply chains on cloud computing (m) A study of carbon trading exchanges among multiple collaborative partners in e-supply networking (n) Assemble-to-order and build-to-order fulfilment effectiveness through electronic decision support in e-supply chains (o) Critical success factors of multi-agency knowledge transfer and management in an e-supply chain framework (p) Integrating forward and reverse supply chains for re-engineering applications using an e-logistics framework (q) Factors enabling and barriers opposing multi-supplier highly competitive e-supply chains through e-commerce portals in developing nations (this study may involve investigation into the challenges faced by Amazon, e-Bay, Snapdeal, etc. in developing nations and the possible solutions) (r) Assessing value-creation opportunities in multi-supplier framework agreements through e-supply chain in regional trade agreements of developing countries (s) Assessing customisations in advanced planning and control strategies in e-supply chain management (t) Redesign of business processes and business intelligence in logistics functions for adopting e-supply chain management (u) Value-creation for achieving triple bottom-line (environmental, economical, and social) sustainability objectives through e-supply chain management (v) A system dynamics simulations study of designing multi-echelon e-supply chains using smart and dynamic agents and graph theory for establishing and operating multi-agency partnerships (w) Integrating e-marketplaces and e-supply chains for establishing an e-demand chain management framework (x) Integrating MRP II and production planning schedules of multiple small production agents for make-to-order and assemble-to-order fulfilment of large-scale orders in an e-demand chain management framework (y) Integrating R&D, design, and production planning schedules of multiple small production agents for engineer-to-order fulfilment of large-scale strategic demands in an e-demand chain management framework (this topic may involve study of strategic design and engineering agreements of multiple companies for creating sophisticated engineering machinery) (z) Recycling and re-engineering e-supply chains combining forward and reverse logistics for triple bottom-line (environmental, economical, and social) sustainability in developing economies Logistics and Supply Chain Management is undergoing a wave of digital transformations worldwide. In this context, we have presented latest topics on Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the context of Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, and Manufacturing. (K) Supply Chain Risk Management: Supply chain risk management is gaining immense popularity due to globalization of competitive landscapes, and growing threats and uncertainty. Risk management in supply chains is directly linked with supply chain agility and hence it needs to be done in very organized and objective manner, incorporating quantitative models. Supply chain risk management is a novel dissertation/thesis research area based on the known and teething current problems in logistics/supply chain management. The root of the problems lie somewhere in the uncertainties in upstream as well as downstream flows of materials, funds, and information. For example, if there are errors in calculating economic order quantities (EOQ) and reorder levels, the ordering process may not synchronize well with the lead-times. On the other hand, the lead-times are uncertain due to various delay factors and fluctuation in costs if a transportation mode is changed. Holding inventory is the safest haven for logistics managers, but I am sure the top management of any organisation will never like it. The primary purpose of this subject matter is to keep lowest possible inventories while ensuring consistent, timely, and accurate supplies to the end users. The challenges are in the following areas: (a) Lack of integration / synchronization / co-ordination (b) Lack of appropriate quantitative models (c) Lack of integrated information availability, even if the quantitative models are in place (i.e., the company has invested in SCM software tools) The solution is somewhere in implementing an appropriate supply chain risk communication system. You will appreciate, supply chain risk is also a floating entity just like materials, funds and information. If the entire chain is integrated through an extranet portal system, and updates of every consignment code are uploaded periodically by all agents connected with the portal, there can be proactive risks generated by the software for the logistics managers such that they can take operating level, tactical level, and even strategic level mitigation actions. Although such a system is still in its conceptual stage, academic researchers can contribute to its overall conceptualisation and design. It may be integrated as a layer above the traditional SCM software. An agent sensing any variations in delay or cost may log a threat and its probability against a consignment code. The probability and impact levels may be fed to the logistics agents that can calculate the impact (like stock-out by a date). The outcome will be a risk value which will be escalated to an appropriate authority level, and appropriate mitigation action will be suggested. For example, if there is a temporary unrest in a country, the current consignments can be airlifted and subsequent orders placed to an alternate supplier. I suggest that you may like to study the source of supply chain risks in a selected sample of transactions in your field and design a novel SCRC (supply chain risk communication) framework employing the ISO 31000, M-o-R, COSO, COBIT v5, and similar Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks for enterprise wide estimation and communication of risks (please visit our articles on IT governance and Information Risk Management). The key risks that you can target in your SCRM framework can be categorized as: disruptions, delays, forecast errors, procurement risks, supplier risks, lead time risks, receivable risks, capacity risks and inventory risks. You may collect a list of known supply chain threats in your area of interest, categorize them under one of these risk categories, judge the impact on business, judge the vulnerabilities, and arrive at the risk values using the quantitative formulations of the chosen model. Once the risk values are calculated, you may propose mitigation strategies pertaining to redundant suppliers, better supplier relationships (i.e., eliminating procurement hops), alternate routes (i.e., alternate loading/unloading ports and links), add capacity and inventory, shift warehouses, change distribution model (direct shipments, cyclic shipments, milk run shipments, in-transit merging, adding retail stores, cross-dock distribution, etc.), change transportation media, etc. You may validate the proposed SCRC framework by interviewing supply chain experts in your country. Hence, the problem statement of your thesis will be related to the known threats and vulnerabilities in supply chain management in the selected transactions (chosen by you), and the solution will be a novel Supply Chain risk communication framework to manage the risks resulting from these threats and vulnerabilities. It will be a quantitative research with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The outcome of this model will be on-the-fly alerts on risk levels and their mitigation as soon as a risk is logged (you will need to define mitigation actions against various risk levels, and the suggested authorities to make decisions). You may like to validate your model by surveying experts in your network. A short, and to-the-point structured questionnaire may be used such that you can present validity and reliability analysis using SPSS. A large number of industry-specific studies are possible in this study approach and every researcher may come forward with a unique supply chain risk management model for a specific industry in a specific country and its location. Topic development in the area of triple bottomline (economic, environmental, and social) sustainability, lean, and six sigma in supply chain management is presented in an extension of this article (please click here). Please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get more topic suggestions and to discuss your topic. We will be happy to assist you in developing your narrow research topic with an original contribution based on the research context, research problem, and the research aim, and objectives. Further, We also offer you to develop the "problem description and statement", "aim, objectives, research questions", "design of methodology and methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant citations per topic" for three topics of your choice of research areas at a nominal fee. Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. To avail this service, Please Click Here for more details. (L) Information Technology in Supply Chain Management: A number of information technology platforms are popular in supply chain management. Some of the key IT tools in supply chain management are IBM Supply Chain Simulator, Rhythm (by i2 Technologies), Advanced Planner and Optimizer by SAP, Manugistics, Matrix One, Oracle Supply Chain Management, etc. These tools possess various functionalities - like, enterprise planning, demand planning, production scheduling, distribution planning, procurement and replenishment planning, facilities location planning, replenishment planning, manufacturing planning, logistics strategy formulation, stocking levels planning, lead times planning, process costing, customer service planning, procurement, supply and transportation scheduling, global logistics management, constraint-Based master planning, demand management, material planning, network Design and optimization, supply chain analytics, transportation management, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) planning, continuous replenishment planning (CRP), and many more. The students may like to study about various IT systems and software tools for carrying out such activities in supply chain management. The studies may be primarily qualitative or triangulated. Your focus should be on application design and integration, system features that are practically useful in supply chain operations, decision-making and decision-supporting tools (like, dashboards, supply chain intelligence, supply chain performance monitoring, etc.), on-line analytical processing, collection, storage, and integration of information, sharing and dissemination of information, internal and external integration, process design, mapping, and integration, enterprise resources planning and IT enablement of global best practices (like, quick response, supply chain synchronisation, virtual supply chain, efficient customer response, collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment, etc.). A sample of possible research topics in this area is presented below. In addition to the following sample topics, please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get more topic suggestions and to discuss your topic. (a) Data engineering and management science, and predictive data analytics and big data analytics for achieving supply chain management effectiveness and efficiency (b) A study of logistics workflows and information systems using integrated RFID / QR / IIoT databases capturing inputs from data entry points in all the echelons of a supply chain (c) Information Technology tools and applications for operating the third and fourth party logisics (3PL and 4PL) systems (d) Operating and managing a cellular manufacturing system using location-aware 3D graphics mapping with the plant layout (e) Integrated system of systems with risks, configuration, business, performance, and security policy (RCBPS) management for designing an enterprise-wide logistics resources planning system (f) Logistics engineering with ubiquitous access using mobile cloud computing (g) Supply chain collaborations and cooperation through social media communication tools (h) A study of system design and applications using Internet of Things in Logistics engineering (i) A study of designing and implementing environmental information analysis and decision support in supply chain information systems (j) Modeling information diffusion in the logistics network of a multi-echelon supply chain (k) Modeling information flow between warehouse management system (WMS) and transportation management system (TMS) (l) Modeling information flow in a multi-echelon supply chain operating in an unpredictable and volatile environment (m) Integrating RFID/IIoT systems with web services architecture for inventory control in an e-logistics system (n) Wireless vehicular area networking (VAN) for operating and managing an intelligent transportation infrastructure under multi-modal logistics (o) Location-aware transportation infrastructure for routing decision-making in an integrated manufacturing city comprising small and medium manufacturing enterprises (p) Integrating information flow of forward and reverse logistics systems in a virtual manufacturing framework (q) Real-time locating and monitoring of work-in-progress inventories stored in job shops' buffers using RFID/IIoT sensors communicating with an integrated WiFi network in a manufacturing plant (r) Using RFID/IIoT system for storage and retrieval of containers in a large warehousing using a container management system application (s) Enhancing multi-party horizontal collaboration using public cloud computing in an international logistics network (t) Map-based transportation information system with GIS and GPS for managing container movement on an inter-city motorway network (u) GIS and GPS applications in a logistics information system with 3D plant layout for managing internal materials movement in the plant campus (v) Indoor GPS application for managing materials movement in a large warehouse Logistics and Supply Chain Management is undergoing a wave of digital transformations worldwide. In this context, we have presented latest topics on Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the context of Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, and Manufacturing. (M) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in Supply Chain Management and Value Chain Management: RFID/IIoT may be viewed from two perspectives: (a) a highly innovative technology for location-based services, and (b) a tool for achieving process excellence in industrial engineering, supply chain management, vehicle tracking, asset management, government services, and many other applications. I hereby suggest you some topics in which, both the perspectives are integrated. Especially in the field of value chain management, many studies are emerging on the relationships between technology excellence variables and process excellence variables. Let us visualize the variables of the two sides: RFID/IIoT Technology: (a) Cost effectiveness (b) Distributed information tagging (information attached with assets) (c) Asset owner identification (d) Information sharing accuracy (e) Real time information sharing (f) Ubiquitous coverage (g) Location identification (both outdoor and indoor positioning of assets) (h) Connectionless (i) Integration with cloud-based information systems (j) Integration with industrial sensors / control systems (k) Assets security (against thefts and sabotage) (l) Rapid incident response (m) Integration with environmental sensors (like, continuous emissions and contamination reporting) (n) RFID/IIoT technology and Internet enabling (for communications and information sharing over the Internet) (o) Rapid scalability (p) Rapid commissioning and decommissioning Value Chain process excellence: (a) Multi-echelon information sharing (b) Strategic supplier relationships (c) Strategic customer relationships (d) Automation of processes and tasks (e) Multi-echelon collaborations (f) Real-time information sharing (g) Quality excellence (h) Elimination of wastes (eliminating processes and tasks that do not add value) (i) Elimination of defects and errors (quality excellence) (j) Multi-skilled employees (k) Cellular production systems (l) Lean consumption of resources (m) Agility in demand fulfillment (n) Flexible assembly systems (o) Demand pull strategy (p) Just-in-time inventory management (q) Real-time communications There may be many more variables that we can add in these two lists. In addition, we can also add sub-variables (or latent variables to each of them). If you observe, each of these areas demand a separate study, which may incorporate explorations of designs, relationship building, and simulations. Such designs can be implemented in modeling software (like, OPNET Modeler). We have completed multiple technical studies involving design of architectures using RFID sensors/IIoT sensors and actuators and WiFi networks in different application scenarios, and simulating the key variables reflecting performance, behavior, efficiency, effectiveness, and problem areas. You may design your research in two directions: Technical architecture and designs with the help of significant levels of system reviews, product reviews, design reviews and their detailing, and quantitative studies for exploring relationships between RFID/IIoT variables and process excellence variables in supply chain / value chain management. We will be happy to assist you in developing your narrow research topic with an original contribution based on the research context, research problem, and the research aim, and objectives. Further, We also offer you to develop the "problem description and statement", "aim, objectives, research questions", "design of methodology and methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant citations per topic" for three topics of your choice of research areas at a nominal fee. Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. To avail this service, Please Click Here for more details. Logistics and Supply Chain Management is undergoing a wave of digital transformations worldwide. In this context, we have presented latest topics on Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the context of Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, and Manufacturing. (N) Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Management: Cloud computing is a new ICT research paradigm of services-oriented computing in which, infrastructure, platforms, applications, security, databases, communications, and security are offered as on-demand services by cloud service providers through virtualisation and orchstration of computing, networking, and storage facilities deployed through massive parallel computing of hundreds of thousands of hardware systems connected in arrays. Please visit this link for learning more about cloud computing research topics. Recently, multiple studies have been conducted on the role and value of cloud computing in supply chain management. Researchers have related effectiveness of information systems integration, process intergration, collaboration, coordination, communications, information sharing, information availability, strategic supplier relationships, operations performance, lean operations, just-in-time operations, elimination of dysfunctional phenomena (like, bullwhip effect, beer gaming, and order rationing), and sustainability of supply chain management with the characterstic variables of cloud computing, such as real-time communications, multi-platform and multi-vendor integration, ubiquitous access, multinational systems, low costs of business operations dependent upon ICT, low capital investments, platform independence, high security through virtual clouds and their boundaries, high scalability, high availability, high uptime, high performance, exchange of services, multi-tenancy, ease of deployment, and many more. Integration of RFID information databases and control of shifting, movement, and storage of assets through RFID integration with cloud computing are latest innovations enhancing the efficiency of supply chain operations. Cloud computing has also facilitated effective integration of Internet of things in which, assets and their groups can be directly controlled through semi-automated control panels and automated algorithm-driven intelligence for identifying, tracking, moving, and controlling of millions of assets stored by thousands of suppliers across the world. Cloud computing has helped in evolving some new forms of systems in supply chain management. For example, cloud computing has eliminated the need for manual electronic data interchange between the suppliers' echelons and the manufacturers' echelons. With the advent of cloud computing, suppliers and manufacturers can share cloud-based application systems with real-time processes' and databases' integration. Collaborative operations like vendor-managed inventory, upstream flow of consumption patterns and demand information, and collaborative replenishment of inventory are managed more effectively through cloud computing. New forms of framework agreements between a pool of strategic suppliers and a pool of buyers, real-time bidding and order closures, real-time auctions, real-time tracking of inventory status of multiple suppliers, and real-time display of prices offered by multiple suppliers have emerged with the advent of cloud-based exchanges. The current models of trading exchanges like Amazon, Snapdeal, and eBay and payment exchanges like PayPal, PayTM, and Skrill use the cloud exchange-based framework agreements between supplier and buyers that ensure protection of either sides irrespective of their locations anywhere in the world. Cloud computing has also helped in evolution of virtual marketplaces, virtul retail, and virtual shopping malls. You may like to know the difference between an e-supply chain and a cloud-based supply chain. E-supply chain is a larger concept that can be implemented on multiple platforms. Cloud supply chain is one of the platforms of e-supply chains. It requires separate study because of its rapidly growing popularity and adoption worldwide. In addition, cloud-based e-supply chains are much more complex than an e-supply chain implemented on traditional Internet-enabled platforms (like, self-hosted web services servers). For example, cloud-based e-supply chains are multi-layered with multiple service-oriented architectures stacked one above another. In cloud computing, some of the popular service models are Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Database-as-a-Service (DaaS), and Security-as-a-Service (SaaS). Service oriented architectures employ virtualisation and Web 2.0 (HTML 5 and XML-based) technologies. Hence, while the topics suggested above are related to the general framework of e-supply chains, the topics suggested in this section are related to design, implementation, and operations of e-supply chains using cloud computing technologies only. The topics suggested here will involve more technical studies than the ones suggested under the section of e-supply chains. You are invided to study our page on modern IT systems topics with cloud computing as one of modern IT systems. Please click here for accessing this page. The topics pertaining to cloud computing in supply chain management may comprise quantitative study of relationships between the variables at the either sides or exploratory studies on new business models and their designs emerging from cloud-based supply chain management. The studies shall involve qualitative methods like interviews, focus group discussions, action research, organisational ethnography, phenomenology, and grounded theory, and quantitative methods like inferential statistical analysis, multivariate statistical modeling, simulations, system dynamics modeling, and Taguchi's method. The key tools recommended are Ishikawa diagrams, observation flow charts, mapping charts for analysing interviews, qualitative data analysis (identifying, cleaning, categorising, classification, encoding, comparing, and contrasting), SPSS, LISREL, ARENA, VENSIM, OPNET, and TAGUCHI's templates. A sample of possible research topics in this area is presented below. In addition to the following sample topics, please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to get more topic suggestions and to discuss your topic. (a) Service-orientation of manufacturing on cloud computing with distributed manufacturing agents (b) Cloud-based big data analysis for demand and supplies predictions (c) Workflow modeling for logistics engineering on cloud-based HTML 5.0 and XML-based applications (d) Advanced parsing systems for populating cloud-based databases from logistics workflows and collaboration systems (e) The emerging concept of manufacturing-as-a-service on cloud computing for producing customised products (f) Mass customisations through collaborative manufacturing networks on cloud computing (g) Cloud-based logistics design for enhanced process information and risks visibility (h) The emerging concept of cloud of things for enhanced intelligence, controls, and management of integrated supply chains (i) Taking RFID and Internet of Things to the next level through cloud-based sensors portfolio management and information fusion (j) Intelligent decision-making through cloud-based analytics in a cluster of logistics services by spare parts manufacturers (k) Logistics software-as-a-service for integrating Internet of Things for enhanced manufacturing resources capability (l) Modeling and simulations of a cloud-based inventory replenishment workflow in OPNET's custom process design module (m) Cloud-based decision-support architecture for monitoring, scheduling, and controlling production tasks in a distributed manufacturing architecture (n) Smart cloud-based manufacturing architecture with real-time synchronisation of production logistics using Internet of Things (o) Securing a network of Internet of Things in a cloud manufacturing system (p) Designing a virtual enterprise of manufacturers using cloud-based logistics and production scheduling processes (q) Sharing of logistics assets and logistics services in a manufacturing hub enabled with Internet of Things on cloud computing (r) Cloud-based service-oriented heterogenous logistics and transportation management for collaborative business networking (s) The changing paradigm of supply chain agility with the development of cloud manufacturing systems (t) A study of changes in cloud-based manufacturing systems as compared with traditional manufacturing systems (u) Integrated supply chain operations management for service-oriented manufacturing on cloud computing (v) Cloud-based remanufacturing planning and scheduling in a forward-reverse logistics framework on cloud computing (w) Faceted and Semantic search protocols on integrated data collected from Internet of Things associated with collaborative logistics processes (x) Energy-aware smart manufacuring systems built using Internet of Things integrated through cloud computing (y) A taxonomy of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) components for Internet of Things-based manufacturing (z) Virtualisation with web services infrastructure for cloud-based supply chain management (aa) Real-time adaptive planning, decision-making, and control in transportation and distribution logistics under demand uncertainties using cloud-based open source requirements planning application (ab) Ubiquitous cloud computing and event-driven decision-making in collaborative supply chain operations conducted through cloud-based logistics information systems (ac) A study of enterprise wide open source applications and their modules for cloud-based enterprise architectures (ad) Cloud-based order fulfilment and its effect on e-business performance of small-scale retailers (topic designed for studying the Amazon Prime framework of small and high quality retailers using fulfilment through Amazon) (ae) Virtual office systems for supply chain managers with ubiquitous access through mobile smartphones for making logistics decisions (af) Collaboration agents and their collaboration modeling on cloud-based enterprise process integration framework for interlinking distributed multi-country manufacturing facilities (ag) Supply and demand visibility through cloud-based integration and analysis of data collected from transaction entry points (ah) Design of cloud-based OLAP dashboards and business objects application supported by XML data files exported from distributed supplier databases maintained within secured virtual clouds of supplier companies (ai) Collaborative supply chain risk management using information shared through cloud-based registries and risk views (aj) A study of challenges, opportunities, threats, and success stories of cloud-based e-supply chain management (ak) Optimising production logistics and distribution through cloud-based supply chain observers and controllers connected with electronic markets' transaction processing systems (al) Cloud-based IT governance framework based on COBIT 5.0 for e-logistics and e-supply chain business governance (am) A study of design and operation of a grid of machines with Internet of Things technology integrated through cloud-based production control applications using XML data files and SOAP transactions (an) Supplier performance measurement, monitoring, and control through cloud-based logistics intelligence (ao) Order tracking and decision-making using cloud-based intelligence of production updates from consumer products manufacturing companies integrated by OEM-driven networked manufacturing (ap) Integrated research and development by a network of innovative startup businesses through cloud-based R&D function Logistics and Supply Chain Management is undergoing a wave of digital transformations worldwide. In this context, we have presented latest topics on Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the context of Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, and Manufacturing. Other possible proposed research areas are the following: (O) Lean and Six-Sigma in Supply Chain Management (P) Sustainabile Supply Chain Management (Q) Sustainable Procurement (R) Sustainable Transportation (S) Reverse Logistics and Supply Chains for Remanufacturing (T) Cloud Manufacturing (U) Internet Of Things in Supply Chain Management (V) Logistics, Supply Networking, and Inventory Management in Industry 4.0 (W) Internationally Co-ordinated Production, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management (X) Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management (Y) Artificial Intelligence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Z) Blockchain in Supply Chain Management We will be happy to assist you in developing your narrow research topic with an original contribution based on the research context, research problem, and the research aim, and objectives. Further, We also offer you to develop the "problem description and statement", "aim, objectives, research questions", "design of methodology and methods", and "15 to 25 most relevant citations per topic" for three topics of your choice of research areas at a nominal fee. Such a synopsis shall help you in focussing, critically thinking, discussing with your reviewer, and developing your research proposal. To avail this service, Please Click Here for more details. Copyright 2020 - 2026 ETCO INDIA. All Rights Reserved |
Do you want to explore more research areas in Supply Chain Management? Please click here for the extension of this article. Please contact us at consulting@etcoindia.co.in or consulting@etcoindia.net.in to discuss your topic or to get ideas about new topics pertaining to your subject area. |